Our firm provides audit services for financial statements of different enterprises, issuing reports reflecting assurance of financial statements that are presented fairly in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.
Our audits include extensive procedures such as confirmation with outside parties, observation of inventories, and testing selected transactions by examining supporting documents. An audit requires a CPA to be independent of the client.
We perform audits of financial statements of the following entities:
The audits we perform include but are not limited to the following areas:
• Non-Public Companies
• Employee Benefit Plan ( 401 K )
• Not-for-profit Organization
Our firm provides a review of a private company’s financial statements and issues a report that provides limited assurance that material changes to the financial statements are not necessary.
Reviews include inquiry and analytical procedures applied to financial statements of private entities. A review requires a CPA that is independent of clients.
Our firm provides compilation services for monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual financial statements of private entities, based on the information provided by the entity’s management.